• Bachelor of Science in Nursing

    Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Course Overview

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc Nursing) is a four-year full-time program comprising eight semesters. This program prepares students to become registered nurses, qualified to practice in a variety of settings, including both public/government and private healthcare institutions. The program imparts essential knowledge and skills to prepare nurses for clinical decision-making based on theory and research. As life-long learners, graduates are trained to deliver quality healthcare to increasingly diverse populations.

In nursing services, nurses collaborate with professionals from allied disciplines such as dietetics, medical, social services, pharmacy, etc., to provide a comprehensive patient care program in hospitals.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Educational Qualification:
    Candidates must have completed the 12th Standard examination (10+2) with Science subjects from a recognized board under AISSCE/CBSE/ICSE/SSCE/HSCE or any other equivalent board.
  2. Marks Requirement:
    Candidates must have obtained a minimum of 45% marks in the core/elective/academic subjects taken together and must have passed English individually.
  3. Open School Eligibility:
    Candidates from the State Open School, recognized by the State Government, and from the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), recognized by the Central Government, are also eligible.


I & IISemesterIII&IV SemesterV&VI SemesterVII&VIII Semester
I SemesterIII SemesterV SemesterVII Semester
1. Communicative English1. Applied Microbiology, and Infection control including Safety1. Child Health Nursing I1. Community Health Nursing II
2. Applied Anatomy2. Pharmacology I2. Mental Health Nursing I2.Nursing Research and Statistics
3. Applied Physiology3. Pathology I3. Community Health Nursing I (including Environmental Science & Epidemiology)3. Midwifery /Obstetrics & Gynaecology (OBG)
Nursing II
4. Applied Sociology4. Adult Health (Medical Surgical ) Nursing I with integrated pathophysiology4.Educational technology/ Nursing Education4. Self-study / co-curricular
5. Applied Psychology5. Self-study / co-curricular5. Introduction to Forensic Nursing and Indian Laws
6. Nursing Foundations I5. Self-study / co-curricular
7. Self-study / co-curricular
II SemesterIV SemesterVI SemesterVIII Semester
1. Applied Biochemistry1. Pharmacology II1. Child Health Nursing II1. Internship (Intensive practicum/Residency posting)
2. Applied Nutrition & Dietetics2. Pathology II & Genetics2. Mental Health Nursing II
3. Nursing Foundations II3. Adult Health Nursing II with integrated pathophysiology including geriatric Nursing3. Nursing Management & Leadership
4. Health / Nursing informatics and technology4. Professionalism, Professional values & Ethics including bioethics4.Midwifery /Obstetrics & Gynaecology (OBG)
Nursing I
5. Self-study / co-curricular5. Self-study / co-curricular5. Self-study / co-curricular

Academic Activities

Seminars / Workshops / Guest Lecture / project / Written Test and Examination / Hospital Visit / Clinical Presentation / Health Education.

Fees Details

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